Rabu, 26 Maret 2008

PhD in Quantitative Social Science - University of Manchester

PhD in Quantitative Social Science

Graduate Programme in Social Research Methods and Statistics

Centre for Census and Survey Research (CCSR)

SEVEN fully funded PhD studentships commencing September 2008

CCSR is a multi-disciplinary research centre in the School of Social Sciences, specialising in the development and application of quantitative research methods.

The prestigious Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) awards are available to UK and EU citizens and pay for fees, a �750 annual research training support grant and (for UK residents) an annual stipend of up to �15,300. Applicants can apply for either a 1+3 award (four years covering linked Masters and PhDs) or a + 3 award (three years with direct entry to PhD research). Two university-funded studentships are also open to overseas students.

What topic?
We welcome applications in a wide range of topic areas relating to our research themes which include:

* Pure and applied social statistics and research methods
* Social networks
* Demographic and social change
* Elections, political parties and political behaviour
* Relationships and relationship structures
* Work and employment
* Confidentiality, privacy and disclosure

How to Apply
For full details on the studentships and information on how to apply visit our website:

www.ccsr.ac. uk <http://www.ccsr. ac.uk/>

or contact the School Postgraduate Administrator:

Victoria Barnes
Email: vicky.barnes@ manchester.ac.uk

The deadline for receiving applications is 1st April 2008.

Senin, 17 Maret 2008

Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia untuk Seribu Anak Bangsa

Dengan datangnya tahun ajaran baru 2008/2009 Universitas Indonesiamenyambut semua Anak-anak Bangsa Calon Pemimpin Masa Depan untukmenjalani proses pendidikan di Universitas Indonesia. UniversitasIndonesi a berkomitmen proses pendidikan yang diselenggarakan berkualitas
sebaik mungkin untuk mengejar ketertinggalan bangsa kita tercinta. Untuk itulah misi Ui adalah:

Menyelenggarakan Pendidikan Tinggi berbasis riset untuk pengembangan Ilmu Teknologi, Seni dan Budaya; dan
MenyelenggarakanPen didikan Tinggi yang mengupayakan penggunaannya untuk meningkatkantaraf dab kualitas kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia serta kemanusiaan.
Prosespendidikan berkualitas tidaklah murah. Oleh karena itu, kebijakan UImenyempurnakan sistem pembiayaan studi sehingga mahasiswa yang berasaldari keluarga dengan kemampuan keuangan yang baik dapat memberikankontribus i yang memadai bagi UI. Adapun mahasiswa program SPMB dan PPKByang berasal dari keluarga dengan keterbatasan keuangan namun memilikikemampuan akademik
dan non-akademik yang baik, disediakan beasiswa.
1.Beasiswa Universitas Indonesia untuk Seribu Anak Bangsa diberikanberupa bantuan biaya pendidikan dalam bentuk angsuran, pengurangan, atau pembebasan biaya studi bagi mahasiswa baru yang diterima melaluiSPMB atau PPKB.

2. Beasiswa hanya berlaku setelah calonmahasiswa dinyatakan diterima di UI melalui dua jalur tersebut danmendaftar sebagai mahasiswa UI pada tahun ajaran 2008/2009.

3.Mendapatkan surat rekomendasi memperoleh beasiswa Universitas Indonesiauntuk Seribu Anak Bangsa bukan merupakan jaminan calon mahasiswatersebut diterima di UI. Calon mahasiswa masih harus berjuang melaluiSPMB atau PPKB.

4. Pengajuan beasiswa dilakukan secarakolektif melalui sekolah asal masing-masing disertai dengan kelengkapanberkas. Pengajuan yang tidak lengkap tidak akan diproses; dan jikadiperlukan, panitia akan melakukan peninjauan lapangan Selain dikirimke sekolah-sekolah, formulir pendaftaran dan brosur tersedia secaraelektronik.

Hal-hal yang belum jelas dapat ditanyakan lewattelepon (021)7864125 setiap jam kerja; melalui e-mail kesma.ui@gmail. com (KESMA BEM UI); atau melalui forum tanya jawab.
Berkas yang diterima paling lambat dikirim 4 April (cap pos).
Setelahmelaui proses seleksi, pengumuman hasil seleksi calon penerima beasiswaini akan diumumkan melalui sekolah-sekolah dan web UI. Keputusanpanitia adalah final dan tidak dapat diganggu

Keterangan lebih lanjut mengenai ketentuan dan syarat2nya dapat dilihat di (http://img211. imageshack. us/img211/ 4166/posterbeasi swact9.jpg)
formulir bisa didapatkan di (http://www.box. net/shared/ i350wf8kkk)

Jumat, 09 November 2007

PhD Research Scholarship at Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Loughborough

Finite element modelling of the effects of laser eye surgery Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK.

Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD studentship aimed at developing methods of modelling the effects of corrective laser surgery on the structural integrity of the eye. Factors to be taken into account in such models include the complex material behaviour and geometries associated with biological structures and sensitivity to the environment.

The studentship is part of a larger project including novel laser measurement of surface strain of the cornea and the successful student will also be expected to participate in certain elements of the experimental programme.

Applicants should have a good first degree in Engineering, Physics or a similar area.
They should be familiar with stress analysis and ideally should have experience of using finite element analysis.

The studentship is open to all UK, EU and overseas applicants. Studentship will cover fees plus a maintenance grant of at least £11k/year for UK/EU applicants and £8k/year or other overseas applicants.

Closing date for applications is 26th November

Informal enquiries can be made to :
Dr I.A. Ashcroft (e-mail I.A.Ashcroft@lboro.ac.uk).

To apply for the studentship please submit a CV and application form to :

Dr. I.A. Ashcroft,
Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Loughborough University,
Loughborough, LE11 3TU, UK.

Application forms can be downloaded from the University web site at :
http://www.lboro. ac.uk/admin/ personnel/ appform.html

PhD Scholarship in Research of RFID Traceability Networks at School of Computer Science University of Adelaide

We are now offering a PhD scholarship funded from the prestigious Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Projects.

The ARC Discovery project aims at developing a Web-based Peer-to-Peer (P2P) system that enables tracking applications (e.g., product recalls) to share traceability data efficiently and effectively across independent enterprises in large RFID networks.

The PhD research will be performed under the supervision of Dr. Michael Sheng from School of Computer Science and Prof. Peter Cole, the Director of the Auto-ID Lab Adelaide. The stipend of the scholarship is (approx) $19,616 (2007 rate) per annum (tax exempt) plus travel funds for attending conferences. The scholarship is available from March 2008 for 3 years of PhD studies.

We are looking for a highly-motivated, dedicated candidate who meets the following requirements:

- An excellent Honors (1st class) or equivalent degree (Masters) in Computer Science or a closely related field, - Very good programming skills,
- Very good communicative skills in English, both in speaking and in writing,
- Experience within the fields of database, P2P, sensor networks, Web services, are of advantage,
- Australian citizen and permanent resident are preferred but outstanding overseas students are encouraged to apply.

Local Information:
The University of Adelaide is the third oldest university in Australia (established in 1874) and a member of the Group of Eight: Australiafs most prestigious research universities. The main university campus is centrally located adjacent to the CBD of Adelaide city, the Art Gallery of South Australia, and the SA Natural History Museum.
Also nearby are the Botanic Gardens and Conservatory, the River Torrens.

More information can be found from http://www.adelaide .edu.au/uni/ .

Interested candidates are requested to send their application by November 21, 2007 to: Dr Michael Sheng (qsheng@cs.adelaide. edu.au), including:

1. A cover letter describing yourself and your interests (put gRFID networksh in the top of your cover letter)
2. Soft copy of your publications (e.g. masterfs thesis, conference papers)
3. Your CV
4. Your transcripts
5. Recommendation letters from at least two reference persons
6. Proof of proficiency in English (e.g. TOEFL test or IELTS) if English is not your first language

http://www.cs. adelaide. edu.au/~qsheng/presentations/ PhD-RFID. pdf