Jumat, 09 November 2007

PhD Research Scholarship at Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Loughborough

Finite element modelling of the effects of laser eye surgery Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University, UK.

Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD studentship aimed at developing methods of modelling the effects of corrective laser surgery on the structural integrity of the eye. Factors to be taken into account in such models include the complex material behaviour and geometries associated with biological structures and sensitivity to the environment.

The studentship is part of a larger project including novel laser measurement of surface strain of the cornea and the successful student will also be expected to participate in certain elements of the experimental programme.

Applicants should have a good first degree in Engineering, Physics or a similar area.
They should be familiar with stress analysis and ideally should have experience of using finite element analysis.

The studentship is open to all UK, EU and overseas applicants. Studentship will cover fees plus a maintenance grant of at least £11k/year for UK/EU applicants and £8k/year or other overseas applicants.

Closing date for applications is 26th November

Informal enquiries can be made to :
Dr I.A. Ashcroft (e-mail I.A.Ashcroft@lboro.ac.uk).

To apply for the studentship please submit a CV and application form to :

Dr. I.A. Ashcroft,
Wolfson School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering,
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Loughborough University,
Loughborough, LE11 3TU, UK.

Application forms can be downloaded from the University web site at :
http://www.lboro. ac.uk/admin/ personnel/ appform.html

PhD Scholarship in Research of RFID Traceability Networks at School of Computer Science University of Adelaide

We are now offering a PhD scholarship funded from the prestigious Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Projects.

The ARC Discovery project aims at developing a Web-based Peer-to-Peer (P2P) system that enables tracking applications (e.g., product recalls) to share traceability data efficiently and effectively across independent enterprises in large RFID networks.

The PhD research will be performed under the supervision of Dr. Michael Sheng from School of Computer Science and Prof. Peter Cole, the Director of the Auto-ID Lab Adelaide. The stipend of the scholarship is (approx) $19,616 (2007 rate) per annum (tax exempt) plus travel funds for attending conferences. The scholarship is available from March 2008 for 3 years of PhD studies.

We are looking for a highly-motivated, dedicated candidate who meets the following requirements:

- An excellent Honors (1st class) or equivalent degree (Masters) in Computer Science or a closely related field, - Very good programming skills,
- Very good communicative skills in English, both in speaking and in writing,
- Experience within the fields of database, P2P, sensor networks, Web services, are of advantage,
- Australian citizen and permanent resident are preferred but outstanding overseas students are encouraged to apply.

Local Information:
The University of Adelaide is the third oldest university in Australia (established in 1874) and a member of the Group of Eight: Australiafs most prestigious research universities. The main university campus is centrally located adjacent to the CBD of Adelaide city, the Art Gallery of South Australia, and the SA Natural History Museum.
Also nearby are the Botanic Gardens and Conservatory, the River Torrens.

More information can be found from http://www.adelaide .edu.au/uni/ .

Interested candidates are requested to send their application by November 21, 2007 to: Dr Michael Sheng (qsheng@cs.adelaide. edu.au), including:

1. A cover letter describing yourself and your interests (put gRFID networksh in the top of your cover letter)
2. Soft copy of your publications (e.g. masterfs thesis, conference papers)
3. Your CV
4. Your transcripts
5. Recommendation letters from at least two reference persons
6. Proof of proficiency in English (e.g. TOEFL test or IELTS) if English is not your first language

http://www.cs. adelaide. edu.au/~qsheng/presentations/ PhD-RFID. pdf

PhD Student Positions at University of Kassel Land

Scientific Co-workers (PhD Student Positions):

Kassel Firma/Institution
University of Kassel Land Germany

PhD Position eingegangen am:05/11/2007 At the Technological Physics group of the Institute of Nanostructure Technologies and Analytics (INA) of the University of Kassel, Germany, there are three Ph.D. positions open on topics related to self-assembled growth of III-V quantum dot structures (nanomaterials) and optoelectronic device development based on nanostructure processing (nanophotonics) .

The resources at INA include 400 sqm clean room facilities with semiconductor process technology and about 400 sqm additional laboratory space. For the above mentioned topics a double chamber molecular beam epitaxy (Veeco Gen II) is available. One chamber is currently dedicated for GaAs based and the other for InP-based expitaxy, respectively. A new ICP reactive ion etcher will be installed beginning of next year.

There is access to electron beam lithography and dry/wet etch technology including PECVD, RIE, IBD systems as well as to characterization tools (SEM, AFM, STM, XRD, ellipsometry etc.).

For optical material characterization there is access to low-temperature PL and transmission measurements as well as to device charaterization set-ups. 1 Ph.D. position (position number 9164) for III/V epitaxy mainly focussing on self-assembly techniques of InAs quantum dots on materials lattice matched to InP. The major goal here is to investigate and optimise the formation process and optical properties of quantum dots emitting in the wavelength range of 1.55 µm.

These nanoscaled structures should be also applied to optolectronic devices, like lasers or amplifiers, with very unique properties. 1 Ph.D. position (position number 9174) for III/V epitaxy mainly focussing on self-assembly techniques of III-V quantum dots on silicon. Here, basic growth studies should be performed to establish a fabrication technology for efficient light emitting material on silicon.

For this purpose, also silicon process technology can be applied, e.g., for pre-patterning of surfaces, etc. The growth should be performed in an InP growth chamber where an additional Si source will be installed. 1 Ph.D. position (position number 9175) for the development of new optoelectronic devices based on nanostructured semiconductors.

Beside device characterization, this includes also the development of etching processes to realise high aspect ratio III/V nanostructures for new nanophotonic devices, e.g., ultra high-speed multi-section quantum dot lasers or single photon emitters. For this purpose a new ICP-RIE etching system will be available within the next 6 months. All three positions are time limited preliminary to 2 years with the possibility to extend the contract by another 2 years. Salary and benefits are commensurate with those of public service organisations.

Closing date for above positions is preliminary scheduled to Dec. 15, 2007.

For further information :
Prof. Dr. Johann Peter Reithmaier
Adresse Heinrich-Plett- Str. 40
Ort Kassel Postleitzahl 34132
Telefon +49-561-804- 4430
E-Mail jpreith@uni- kassel.de

URL http://www.ina. uni-kassel. de/TP/en

PhD position in Biophysics / Optics at Saarland University

PhD position Biophysics / Optics Firma/Institution Saarland University Land Germany

PhD Position eingegangen am:07/11/2007 Beschreibung

Design, build and operation of Set-ups for optical imaging, such as 2-photon- microscopy , fluorescence lifetime imaging or fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.

Master or diploma in physics or similar degree, experience in experimental optics, willingness to work with biological objects (cells).

The Institute for Molecular Cell Biology is an interdisciplinary working institution at the Medical Faculty of Saarland University. Our group consist of biologists, physicists, bioinformatics and medical scientists working on biomedical relevant questions, mainly but not exclusively related to cardiac diseases.

In order to achieve these goals we are developing and adapting optical imaging techniques. We search for a dedicated PhD student, who is willing to enter new horizons working in a dynamic and ambiguous team.

For further information, contact :
Dr. Lars Kaestner
Adresse Saarland University
Institute for Molecular Cell Biology
Ort Homburg / Saar Postleitzahl 66421
Telefon +49 (0)6841 1626093
E-Mail anlkae@uks.eu

PhD scholarship in Transportation Research at Institute of Hasselt University

In the Transportation Research Institute of Hasselt University, the following positions (m/f) are available for the SBO project `A Model-Based Approach for Evaluating the Safety and Environmental Effects of Traffic Policy Measures:

2 PhD students (2x2 years)
(mandates BEDR/2007/023-024)

Job description

Mandate BEDR/2007/023:
The main objective of this research is to study the impact of policy measures in the field of mobility on traffic safety. For this, we will examine the effects of mobility measures with regard to changes in travel behaviour.

Mandate BEDR/2007/024:
For this research project, a new model needs to be development which assigns traffic to the underlying network, using information obtained by the activity based transportation model. Profile The candidate is highly interested in quantitative research techniques. Diploma Master of Business Engineering and Computer Science, Master Information Sciences, Master in Engineering Sciences, Master in Mathematics or equal.

Starting date 01.01.2008

Further information Content job responsibilities:
Prof. dr. Geert Wets,
Tel. + 32 11 26 91 58,
E-mail :geert.wets@uhasselt.be

Prof. dr. Tom Brijs,
Tel. + 32 11 26 91 55,
E-mail : tom.brijs@uhasselt.be

Content terms of employment and selection procedure:
Jef Vanvoorden,
011-26 80 80,
E-mail : jef.vanvoorden@uhasselt.be

Application Applicants must use the official application forms which are available at :

Rectoraat of Hasselt University,
Campus Diepenbeek,
Agoralaan - building D,
B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium),

phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03 or

which can be downloaded here pfd-file / Word format.

The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Wednesday, December 5th , 2007.

PhD position on Graph-Based Abstract Interpretation at the University of Twente

PhD on Graph-Based Abstract Interpretation
PhD position at the University of Twente on Graph-Based Abstract Interpretation To carry out the recently awarded Dutch (NWO) research project entitled "Graphs for Abstract Interpretation of Languages" (GRAIL), we are offering a position for a PhD student (fully funded) for a period of four years.

Deadline for applications: December 15th, 2007

Project start date: January 2008, or as soon thereafter as possible

The Context The project takes place at the Formal Methods and Tools chair of the University of Twente. This chair is part of the Department of Computer Science, one of the largest academic departments for computer science in the Netherlands. Project leader is Dr. Arend Rensink. The Project Graphs for Abstract Interpretation of Languages (GRAIL) As more and more systems in our everyday environment contain major software parts, and we are depending on such systems more and more (we are counting on them), the importance of the dependability of the embedded software is increasing.

Unfortunately, there are still very few generally applicable methods for software verification, i.e., the ensurance of its correct functioning under all circumstances. Reasons for this are, one the one hand, the degree of expertise necessary for existing verification methods, and on the other, their poor embedding in the average software development trajectory. An important practical objection is, moreover, that current verification methods typically assume the existence of a sufficiently detailed and precise model of system behavior.

In practice such models hardly ever exist, and the time and expertise to construct them is missing. Examples of methods that are being used widely in practice are therefore typing and testing, neither of which necessarily depends on the pre-existence of models.

In this project we investigate a new way of automatically verifying software on the basis of code, without assuming a predefined model. The technique used is static analysis, a general principle that encompasses typing; the new aspect is the use of graph transformations to capture the effect of the software.

Graphs offer a natural model for the behaviour of dynamic software systems, and at the same time offer the basis for a generic form of static analysis, which can be driven by the properties to be verified.
The full project proposal can be found at: http://www.cs.utwente.nl/~rensink/projects/grail.pdf

Qualifications You should have a MSc or equivalent degree in computer science or a closely related area, or be able to show that you will receive the degree this year (2007). Familiarity with formal verification, abstract interpretation and/or and graph transformations is considered an advantage. You are expected to cooperate in an internationally oriented research environment. Good English speaking and writing skills are demanded, as well as the willingness to learn Dutch.

You will enroll in the PhD programme of the Dutch Institute for Programming Research and Algorithmics (IPA). Offer The selected candidate will be appointed for a period of 4 years with a gross salary starting at ¤ 1956 per month (first year) and reaching EUR 2502 per month (final year), plus an 8% holiday allowance and other benefits.

Information and Application
You can obtain further information about the positions by enquiring from:
Dr.ir. Arend Rensink,
tel: +31 (0)53 489 4862
fax: +31 (0)53 489 3247

If you are interested, please send an application by email to the above address, including:
- A cover letter stating your *specific* interest in the position, indicating also your motivation and qualifications for joining the project. (In the absence of such a cover letter your application will be rejected without notification.)
- A full curriculum vitae, including the subject and supervisor of your graduate thesis.
- Letters of recommendation or references of at least two scientific staff members.

All applications must be received ** at or before December 15th 2007 ** mention vacancy nr. 07/183.

PhD position in cost estimation modeling for cross-organizational ERP projects University of Twente

Ph.D. Position in cost estimation modeling for cross-organizational ERP projects.
Job opening number: 07/182

The faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Twente educates, and conducts research with approximately 2000 students including 300 PhD-students.
The faculty is also responsible for a large volume of service education for programmes of other faculties. The faculty has approximately 300 permanent staff.

The faculty of EEMCS conducts BSc-programmes in Electrical Engineering, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Business Information Systems and MSc-programmes in Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics, Applied Mathematics, Business Information Technology, Computer Science, Telematics, Human Media Interaction en Embedded Systems and is partner in various programmes of other faculties.

We have a vacancy in a Ph.D. Position in cost estimation modeling for cross-organizational ERP projects
Job opening number: 07/182

The University of Twente invites applications for a Ph.D. position in the COSMOS project (http://is.ewi.utwente.nl/research/requirements/cosmos.doc/index.html), a cooperation between the department of Business Information System (http://www.bbt.utwente.nl/iscm) chaired by Prof. Jos van Hillegersberg (http://www.mb.utwente.nl/iscm/staff/academic/Hillegersberg/) and the Information Systems group chaired by prof. Roel Wieringa (http://www.cs.utwente.nl/~roelw).

The Ph.D. student will be employed in the Information Systems group. In this project we will investigate, compare, and integrate functionality-driven approaches and economics-driven approaches to the problem of estimating cost for cross-organizational Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementations. Specifically, the COSMOS project will seek to answer to the following key questions:

1. What are the essential cost drivers to be considered for inclusion in cost estimation models for a set of interdependent ERP projects carried out in cross-organizational settings?
2. How are ERP costs and benefits shared among the actors in a value network?
3. What is the relationship between organizational factors (e.g. the degree of project management control) and the accuracy of ERP project estimates?
4. How to measure size of cross-organizational ERP projects based on functionality
5. How to assess the goodness-of-fit of cost models in real life cross-organizational settings?
6. How elements of real-options thinking and portfolio management concepts could be incorporated into existing ERP effort estimation practices?
7. How to incorporate estimation activities into the requirements engineering process for cross-organizational ERP?

We will investigate these questions by a combination of quantitative research, case study research, action research, and qualitative research methods with our industrial partners. The successful candidate will be an integral part of a multidisciplinary research team to deliver:
(i) a multidimensional size and effort estimation framework for cost estimation of networked ERP implementation projects,
(ii) a requirements engineering approach to networked ERP projects that incorporates cost estimation and risk assessment activities, and
(iii) a success model that will help network partners visualize and reason about what will distinguish a successful networked ERP project from a failed one.

The Ph.D. student will be actively involved in case studies with partners from industry to assess current ERP cost estimation practices, re-define and improve existing approaches, validate proposed methods, and define a cost-and-risk-driven requirements engineering process for networked ERP projects.

We are looking for the following qualifications:
- A Master Degree in information systems or a comparable discipline such as software engineering, software metrics, or computer science;
- good communication and interpersonal skills. The main task of the PhD student will be to carry out collaborative research at the interface between theory and industry practice, but he/she will be given the opportunity to acquire some teaching experience at the undergraduate and graduate level.
- Strong analytical and problem solving skills.
- Ability to take actions that align objectives, tasks and resources with project priorities and drive issues to closure despite setbacks.
- Exhibit high levels of energy, enthusiasm and determination. Productively challenges the status quo and actively searches for solutions beyond traditional boundaries.
- Strong work ethic; capable of working independently and as part of a team in a fast-paced dynamic environment. Previous industry experience in ERP process engineering or in software metrics would be an asset.
- English language proficiency in writing and oral is required.
- Dutch language is an asset.

We offer:
- A four-year appointment at an interesting temporary research position in a dynamic and international environment.
- A salary starting at ¤1956 gross per month in the first year and grows up to ¤2502 gross per month in the fourth year.
- Support in getting involved in Dutch language courses.

Applicants should submit:
- a curriculum vitae including a list of courses you have followed (with grades),
- a cover letter with a statement of motivation and research interests,
- names and contact details of two suggested referees by e-mail to is_jobs@cs.utwente.nl.

Please indicate the job opening number in the subject heading.

To ensure consideration, interested individuals should send an application four weeks after posting this advertisement (that is, by Dec 1, 2007).

The University of Twente is strongly committed to diversity within its community. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. The University is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications from everyone who may contribute to further diversification of ideas.

Applicants near completion of their Master degree will also be considered.
More information can be obtained from
Dr. Maya Daneva
email: m.daneva@utwente.nl,
phone +31 53 489 2889

Senin, 05 November 2007


SCHLUMBERGER Foundation Faculty for the future Grants for advanced graduate study For women in science and engineering

The schlumberger Foundation Faculty for the Future program provides funding for advanced graduate study. The long term goal is to support role models and facilitate gender balance in science and engineering faculties at key universities in emerging economies.


If you are woman who is:

* Preparing for PhD, or postdoctoral study in the physical science and related disciplines.

* Have a proven track of teaching experience, and seeking a university teaching career in your home country

* Committed to promoting the development of women in sciences

* Hold an excellent academic record

Please apply and review eligibility requirements at:


Research Asistant/officer & Post Graduat

1. WANTED! 1 research assistant needed!
Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT), FKKKSA is now looking for a dedicated and hardworking individual to work as a research assistant to assist in the administration of energy and water conservation projects involving industries & Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM).

Project funded by: EScience-Fund, University Cradle Investment
Programme (UCIP), Malaysia Venture Capital Management Berhad (MAVCAP).

Terms: On 6 month to one-year contract research basis. Can be renewed based on performance.

Vacancy available immediately!
For further information, please contact, (Date of advertisement: 2nd October 2007)

Prof Dr Zainuddin Abdul Manan
Tel (Off): 07-5535609, (HP): 012-7379723
E-mail: zain@fkkksa. utm.my

2. WANTED! 1 research officer cum software programmer needed!
Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT), FKKKSA is now looking for a dedicated and hardworking individual to work as a research officer and a software programmer to assist in the development of energy and water conservation software project involving industries & Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM)

Project funded by: EScience-Fund, University Cradle Investment
Programme (UCIP), Malaysia Venture Capital Management Berhad (MAVCAP).

Terms: On 6 month to one-year contract research basis. Can be renewed based on performance

Programming Skill Requirements:
- Visual Basic
- Prepared to learn VB.net

Skills with database design and software engineering will be preferred (though not a must)

Vacancy available immediately!
For further information, please contact, (Date of advertisement: 2nd Oct 2007)

Prof Dr Zainuddin Abdul Manan
Tel (Off): 07-5535609, (HP): 012-7379723
E-mail: zain@fkkksa. utm.my

3. WANTED! 1 postgraduate student needed!
Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT), FKKKSA is now looking for a dedicated and hardworking postgraduate student to do masters or PhD on software design and development related to energy and water conservation project involving industries & Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM).

Project funded by: EScience-Fund, University Cradle Investment
Programme (UCIP), Malaysia Venture Capital Management Berhad (MAVCAP).

Grants: Available

Basic Requirement: First degree in mathematics or computer science or chemical engineering

Programming Skill Requirements:
- Visual Basic
- Good knowledge of VB.net
- C++ (for artificial intelligence applications)

Skills with database design and software engineering will be preferred

Vacancy available immediately!

For further information, please contact,

Prof Dr Zainuddin Abdul Manan
Tel (Off): 07-5535609, (HP): 012-7379723
E-mail: zain@fkkksa. utm.my (Date of advertisement: 2nd Oct 2007)

Source: Informasi_PPI_UTM@yahoogroups.com

Research Asistant/officer & Post Graduat

1. WANTED! 1 research assistant needed!
Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT), FKKKSA is now looking for a dedicated and hardworking individual to work as a research assistant to assist in the administration of energy and water conservation projects involving industries & Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM).

Project funded by: EScience-Fund, University Cradle Investment
Programme (UCIP), Malaysia Venture Capital Management Berhad (MAVCAP).

Terms: On 6 month to one-year contract research basis. Can be renewed based on performance.

Vacancy available immediately!
For further information, please contact, (Date of advertisement: 2nd October 2007)

Prof Dr Zainuddin Abdul Manan
Tel (Off): 07-5535609, (HP): 012-7379723
E-mail: zain@fkkksa. utm.my

2. WANTED! 1 research officer cum software programmer needed!
Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT), FKKKSA is now looking for a dedicated and hardworking individual to work as a research officer and a software programmer to assist in the development of energy and water conservation software project involving industries & Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM)

Project funded by: EScience-Fund, University Cradle Investment
Programme (UCIP), Malaysia Venture Capital Management Berhad (MAVCAP).

Terms: On 6 month to one-year contract research basis. Can be renewed based on performance

Programming Skill Requirements:
- Visual Basic
- Prepared to learn VB.net

Skills with database design and software engineering will be preferred (though not a must)

Vacancy available immediately!
For further information, please contact, (Date of advertisement: 2nd Oct 2007)

Prof Dr Zainuddin Abdul Manan
Tel (Off): 07-5535609, (HP): 012-7379723
E-mail: zain@fkkksa. utm.my

3. WANTED! 1 postgraduate student needed!
Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT), FKKKSA is now looking for a dedicated and hardworking postgraduate student to do masters or PhD on software design and development related to energy and water conservation project involving industries & Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (PTM).

Project funded by: EScience-Fund, University Cradle Investment
Programme (UCIP), Malaysia Venture Capital Management Berhad (MAVCAP).

Grants: Available

Basic Requirement: First degree in mathematics or computer science or chemical engineering

Programming Skill Requirements:
- Visual Basic
- Good knowledge of VB.net
- C++ (for artificial intelligence applications)

Skills with database design and software engineering will be preferred

Vacancy available immediately!

For further information, please contact,

Prof Dr Zainuddin Abdul Manan
Tel (Off): 07-5535609, (HP): 012-7379723
E-mail: zain@fkkksa. utm.my (Date of advertisement: 2nd Oct 2007)

Source: Informasi_PPI_UTM@yahoogroups.com


King Abdullah University of Science and Technology


King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) adalah sebuah universitas berskala internasional yang berbasis riset di bidang science dan teknologi yang berlokasi di Arab Saudi.

KAUST menawarkan program beasiswa yang disebut KAUST Discovery Scholarship diperuntukkan bagi mahasiswa S1 dari bidang studi Science dan Teknologi di perguruan tinggi manapun di Indonesia.


- Terdaftar aktif pada tahun ajaran 2007/2008 sebagai mahasiswa S1 tahun ketiga keatas dari jurusan teknik dan science di perguruan tinggi manapun di Indonesia
- Memiliki prestasi akademik dan/atau pengalaman riset yang memuaskan
- Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Inggris yang baik, dengan syarat: memiliki skor minimal 550 (TOEFL-PBT) atau 213 (TOEFL Computer-Based) atau 79-80 (TOEFL Internet-Based) atau 6.0 (IELTS)
- Pada Agustus 2009 sudah bisa memulai pendidikan S2 di King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Arab Saudi

Beasiswa yang diberikan mencakup:
A. Selama periode kuliah S1
- Seluruh biaya kuliah (SPP dan biaya lain) sampai lulus kuliah S1
- Tunjangan hidup
- Tunjangan buku
- Tunjangan laptop/komputer
- Kesempatan berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan-kegiatan akademik (global workshop, regional workshop, seminar, dll) yang diadakan oleh KAUST, baik di kampus KAUST di Arab Saudi maupun di negara lain (seluruh biaya ditanggung)
B. Setelah lulus kuliah S1
- Diterima untuk melanjutkan Program S2 di King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Arab Saudi; dan berhak atas
- Beasiswa penuh yang meliputi tuition, akomodasi dan tunjangan transportasi
- hingga lulus
Cara Mendaftar:
Pendaftaran hanya bisa dilakukan secara online di website: www.kaust.edu.sa paling lambat tanggal 9 NOVEMBER 2007.
Informasi lebih lanjut: kunjungi www.kaust.edu.sa