Jumat, 09 November 2007

PhD scholarship in Transportation Research at Institute of Hasselt University

In the Transportation Research Institute of Hasselt University, the following positions (m/f) are available for the SBO project `A Model-Based Approach for Evaluating the Safety and Environmental Effects of Traffic Policy Measures:

2 PhD students (2x2 years)
(mandates BEDR/2007/023-024)

Job description

Mandate BEDR/2007/023:
The main objective of this research is to study the impact of policy measures in the field of mobility on traffic safety. For this, we will examine the effects of mobility measures with regard to changes in travel behaviour.

Mandate BEDR/2007/024:
For this research project, a new model needs to be development which assigns traffic to the underlying network, using information obtained by the activity based transportation model. Profile The candidate is highly interested in quantitative research techniques. Diploma Master of Business Engineering and Computer Science, Master Information Sciences, Master in Engineering Sciences, Master in Mathematics or equal.

Starting date 01.01.2008

Further information Content job responsibilities:
Prof. dr. Geert Wets,
Tel. + 32 11 26 91 58,
E-mail :geert.wets@uhasselt.be

Prof. dr. Tom Brijs,
Tel. + 32 11 26 91 55,
E-mail : tom.brijs@uhasselt.be

Content terms of employment and selection procedure:
Jef Vanvoorden,
011-26 80 80,
E-mail : jef.vanvoorden@uhasselt.be

Application Applicants must use the official application forms which are available at :

Rectoraat of Hasselt University,
Campus Diepenbeek,
Agoralaan - building D,
B-3590 Diepenbeek (Belgium),

phone +32 - 11 - 26 80 03 or

which can be downloaded here pfd-file / Word format.

The completed application forms must reach the above mentioned address no later than Wednesday, December 5th , 2007.